Ragdolly Anna

Made by: Ragdoll
Shown on: BBC
Years shown: mid 80s
Theme tune: “Ragdolly Anna, fine and brown, standing up and sitting down/Ragdolly Anna, fine and fat, with a bunch of paper roses in her big straw hat.”
This was Anne ‘Teletubbies, Rosie and Jim, Pob, Brum’ Wood’s first project, inspired by the mundane fact that she’d bought her daughter a ragdoll, and it was also based on books by Jean Kenward. The Little Dressmaker (played by Pat Coombs) was lonely; she lived with a white cat and a tailor’s dummy, inventively called Dummy, perhaps the least captivating character to ever appear on TV. But instead of making the courageous move of opening her front door and interacting with other human beings (these were the days before Internet chat-rooms, you understand), the Little Dressmaker took out her box of material off-cuts and made herself a ragdoll. Ragdolly Anna was the sickeningly sweet result, and there followed a number of mind-boggling dull gambols, the sort of thing that your granny thought you should be watching. Hopefully, the Little Dressmaker got bored of her creation and decided Ragdolly Anna would make a better pincushion.
hello how can we find who prodused rag dolly anna.we have a group on facebook who want rag dolly anna on dvd in norway.i wathc rag dolly anna when i was little and i loved it.hope to get respons back.hugs from cecilie
hi it's getting somewhat more embarrassing as years go on to request, and please do it for our sanity please release Ragdolly Anna onto DVD. I am nearly 40 and can remember parts of the show. I have fond memories of those times. I expect a lot of adults would buy this if it got to DVD as you have plenty of curious fans. please make our dreams come true and release Ragdolly Anna onto DVD, Thanks, you won't regret it!
another favourite was Bellamy's Backyard Safari, i'd like to see this again when David Bellamy would shrink to the size of the creature in this child friendly nature show.
also can any one remember a show where a talking spaceship in the shape of a watermelon shrinks down in size...
The dummy used to petrify me! It used to slightly wobble about on its stand, but didn't interact with the other characters. I would certainly like to see this on DVD, just to see if it's still as terrifying as I remember!
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