Square Eyes: Kids' TV of the 80s/90s

I have an unhealthy obsession with all things nostalgic (though I draw a line at mullets and jackets rolled up at the sleeves.) This, combined with a fondness for the TV of my childhood has driven me to create the Square Eyes blog. Simply an A-Z of the shows I watched, with my inimitable commentaries...

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

What's Up, Doc?

WHAT'S UP, DOC? Made by: ? Shown on: ITV Years shown: 1992-94

Unsurprisingly, this was a vehicle for Warner Bros cartoons (in the same way that the later Diggit showed Disney cartoons), and was presented by rejects from various other shows - Pat Sharp (the mullet still intact) from Funhouse, Yvette Fielding from Blue Peter, and Andy Crane, most recently from Motormouth. It was very mediocre stuff, although Fielding did her best to hold it together, but it was made a lot worse by the presence of Bro and Bro, two puppet wolves, who supposedly ate children. Oh, if only they ate the head of ITV programming first.



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