The Clangers

Made by: Smallfilms
Shown on: BBC
Years shown: 1969-74 and then repeated ad infinitum
Children of the early eighties can just about remember the repeats of this absolute gem of children’s programming, which is rivalled in people’s affections only by Bagpuss. Both programmes were, of course, from the Oliver Postgate and Peter Firmin camp, and The Clangers was equally infused with priceless imagination, gentle humour and whimsy. But what were the Clangers? They were bright pink alien beings, who looked like a cross between mice and piglets, and who lived on their own dark and crater-filled planet; they lived in subterranean caves, the entrances of which were protected by dustbin lids, which clanged when shut, thus giving the creatures their name.
They were the perfect example of a loving family: there was Major Clanger, Mother Clanger (she wore the apron), Small Clanger and Tiny Clanger, and they all communicated in a high-pitched whistling language (actually produced by Swannee whistles.) The Clangers weren’t alone in their universe. The Soup Dragon was a benevolent green beast who, as its name suggests, made soup, which - along with blue string pudding - formed a staple part of the Clangers diet. The soup was brewed in volcanic wells, an option never available to Delia Smith.
There were also the Froglets, bulbous, orange creatures with protruding eyes, who travelled through space in a top hat, and the trumpet-like Hoots. An Iron Chicken was found in pieces and reassembled, and once laid an egg which hatched into a friend for Tiny Clanger. Finally, there were bizarre blue Skymoos; and Glow Buzzers, which were the source of light in the caves.
The Clangers was launched in the months following Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin’s historic moon walk, and the creatures actually found an American flag left behind on their planet, which the inventive Mother Clanger turned into a table-cloth. Always making sure to keep abreast of current affairs, The Clangers even had a one-off election night special, Vote for Froglet!, on October 10th 1974 (which has never been repeated since.)
The animation was filmed in Peter Firmin’s barn, and the planet was made of polystyrene and plaster of Paris, which the Clangers’ feet could be easily nailed to. The Clangers themselves were knitted by Mrs Firmin, and had a framework made of Meccano, wood, and brass ball-joints. According to Oliver Postgate, the knitted results “smell, not unpleasantly, of ripe melons”, which is obviously what all good aliens should smell of.
(Thanks to for the borrowed pic)
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